Mobile Loans

Mobile Loans IVR Platform detects when a user is having low balance in his account, and based on Operator's rules (totally configurable by Operator) analyze it that user is eligible to offer credit to perform the call. IVR provides an easier mechanism than USDD or SMS. It works in real-time, as soon as the system detects low balance it starts the procedure to check if the user is eligible to receive a credit or not, and which the most effective offer based on user segmentation.

Mobile Network Operators can configure different set of rules. Platform can interconnect with Operator's legacy systems. It also provides a powerful Reporting engine for business intelligence analysis.

Key Features:

  • Real-time low balance detection and smart offering loan mechanism.
  • Flexible interconnection with Operator's legacy systems (User DB, Scoring System, etc.)
  • Support multiple loans offers based on user segmentation.
  • Configurable Rules mechanisms.
  • CRM interface and Reporting engine.